Ultherapy – a nonsurgical alternative to a facelift – is offered by SkynBar in the Buckhead area of Atlanta. Ultherapy is used to counteract the signs of aging, such as wrinkles and sagging skin on the face, neck, and chest, as well as drooping of the brow area. The FDA-cleared technology stimulates collagen production, which should create a more youthful look overall. The magic of Ultherapy is in its ability to use micro-focused ultrasound to lift and tighten loose skin over time, without any downtime.

Your SkynBar of Atlanta aestheticians are recognized experts in Ultherapy and have performed thousands of treatments. Ultherapy’s technology allows SkynBar to target areas beneath the skin with focused ultrasound energy, using the right temperature to support collagen regeneration. The heat energy from the applicator is targeting different depths, affecting three layers:

1. Deep dermis
2. Skin laxity
3. Superficial wrinkles

The ultrasound energy stimulates not only collagen production, but also elastic tissue, which should result in firmer skin, less sagging, and fewer wrinkles.

The procedure takes around 45 minutes to two hours depending on areas treated. Your SkynBar of Atlanta clinical expert will first apply ultrasound gel before going over the treatment area in three passes at different depths: four millimeters, three and a half millimeters, and one and a half millimeters – if needed for superficial wrinkles. With Ultherapy, you are treated deeper than any other non-invasive procedure, which allows us to reach the SMAS layer to effectively achieve skin contraction.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Ultherapy Safe?

Ultherapy is FDA-approved and has a long track record of patient safety. More than 1.5 million treatments have been performed in more than 75 countries. What’s more, Ultherapy uses ultrasound energy, which has been used in the field of medicine for more than 50 years with very safe results. What’s comforting is that SkynBar of Atlanta has highly experienced clinicians performing the Ultherapy procedure.

How Does Ultherapy Stimulate Collagen Production

Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body, accounting for about one-third of its protein composition. It’s also one of the major building blocks of bones, skin, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Collagen is also found in many other body parts, including blood vessels, corneas, and teeth. You can think of collagen as the “glue” that holds all these things together. In fact, the word comes from the Greek word “kólla,” which means glue. Among other things, collagen gives skin its youthfulness by keeping it firm and toned. As we age, collagen breaks down, and the result is a loss of skin strength and elasticity. Ultherapy uses micro-focused ultrasound to generate a thermal effect under the skin. The thermal effect essentially jump-starts your body’s own process that produces fresh, new collagen – or neocollagenesis.

How Is Ultherapy Different From Other Cosmetic Procedures?

Ultherapy is the only non-surgical cosmetic procedure that uses focused ultrasound to stimulate the growth of new collagen deep within the skin. The production of new collagen occurs over time, so results can become more apparent over three to six months. The procedure takes only about an hour for most clients, and there is no downtime. It also is the only procedure to use ultrasound imaging, which allows us to actually see the layers of tissue we target during the treatment and ensure the energy is deposited precisely to where it will be most effective. This also ensures that the treatment is delivered very safely to the patient.

Can Ultherapy Replace a Facelift?

Ultherapy is an “uplift,” not a facelift. Although it treats the deep foundational layer addressed in cosmetic surgery, it won’t duplicate the results of a surgical facelift. While it is not a replacement for surgery, it is a viable option for those not ready for a facelift or those looking to prolong the effects of cosmetic surgery.

Can Ultherapy Treat Turkey Neck?

As the only non-invasive procedure FDA-cleared to lift skin on the neck, Ultherapy is designed to treat “turkey neck,” one of the common signs of aging skin. Your SkynBar of Atlanta aestheticians are highly experienced in treating all areas, including the neck.

Can Ultherapy Treat The Decolletage Area?

Ultherapy is the only treatment FDA-cleared to improve lines and wrinkles in the décolletage, which is the French term used to refer to a woman’s upper chest area that is visible when wearing low-cut necklines of clothing. This service can either be a stand-alone Ultherapy treatment or included as an add-on to the Ultherapy-lifting treatments administered on the face and neck. With a 30-minute treatment at SkynBar of Atlanta, Ultherapy can stimulate the natural formation of collagen and elastin in the skin’s foundation to gradually smooth chest wrinkles.

How Does Ultherapy Differ From Other Laser Treatments?

Ultherapy uses the unique properties of tried-and-true ultrasound – which harnesses the power of sound energy – to bypass the surface of the skin to treat depths not matched by any other non-invasive cosmetic device. Instead of ultrasound, some lasers rely on light energy, which simply cannot reach the deeper layers of the skin. These light-based laser treatments only treat superficial skin and are not FDA-cleared to lift skin like Ultherapy.

How Long Does Ultherapy Last?

How long Ultherapy results last depend on the individual, as everyone produces collagen at different rates. Generally, though, initial results will become visible within two to three months and can last up to a year or more. While Ultherapy produces new collagen on the inside, your own natural aging process will determine how long your results will be visible on the outside. Future touch-up treatments at SkynBar of Atlanta can help provide more control over the aging process, which varies by individual.

What Does The Ultherapy Treatment Feel Like?

You will feel tiny amounts of energy being deposited, indicating that the collagen-building process has been initiated. You will also feel a tingling or mild burning sensation during your treatment. Comfort levels vary from person to person. Your SkynBar of Atlanta clinician will offer you options to make this procedure as comfortable as possible. Some options include ibuprofen or applying a topical or local anesthetic.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Skin redness is the most common side effect of an Ultherapy treatment, a result of ultrasound energy being delivered into the deeper layers of your skin to stimulate collagen production. You can expect skin redness from your Ultherapy treatment to last between several hours to a few days (for clients with very sensitive skin). Everyone will have different amounts of skin redness from an Ultherapy treatment. In addition, some clients will experience slight swelling during the first one to three days after the treatment, but most SkynBar of Atlanta clients don’t experience any swelling at all. Mild bruising is rare, but possible.

Will I Need To Take Team Off?

With Ultherapy, there is no downtime. After your procedure, you can resume your normal activities immediately, without having to follow any post-treatment measures.

How Many Treatments Does It Take?

Most clients at SkynBar of Atlanta need only one Ultherapy treatment. However, depending on your skin laxity, your body’s biological response to ultrasound, and the collagen-building process, you may benefit from more than one treatment. Follow-up Ultherapy treatments each year may help maintain results.

What Is The Cost?

The cost of Ultherapy varies and is dependent on the areas being treated. Your SkynBar of Atlanta clinician will customize a treatment to meet your needs; exact pricing can be discussed during your consultation.

Am I A Good Candidate For Ultherapy?

If you have some degree of skin laxity, to the point of your skin looking – and often feeling – less firm, or you have loose skin under your neck and under your chin, or you have lines and wrinkles on your chest, then you might be a candidate. In addition, women and men in their 30s and older who have mild-to-moderate skin laxity are candidates.

Is Ultherapy Good For Men?

If you are a man looking for a non-invasive cosmetic treatment to tighten your skin, then Ultherapy may be the solution. The same benefits Ultherapy provides to women can also be achieved for men when the treatment is performed by your skilled aesthetician at SkynBar of Atlanta.